AVL Shorts

AVL Shorts are short lessons that focus on single topic and give you a brief, yet complete, overview of the topic.

Activity Lifecycle

Managing the lifecycle of your activities and understanding callback methods is essential to developing stable Android application. Learn about the activity states and its lifecycle callbacks.

Alert Dialogs

AlertDialogs are great for bringing user’s attention to a message and to control action flow. Learn about the different AlertDialogs that are available and how to use them.


Checkboxes are simple user input controls that allow users to check and uncheck given state. Learn how to create them and respond to click events.


GridViews are great for displaying two-dimensional scrollable grid. Grid Views offer default and custom behaviors. Learn how to create and use them.

Layouts Overview

Layouts are the glue that hold and organize all of the components on the screen. Learn about the various types that are available and how they differ from each other.


Displays a scrollable collection of views, where each view is positioned immediately below the previous view in the list.


Radio Buttons are input controls that allow user to group related options into one group and allow only one to be selected at a time. Learn how to create them and respond to click events.


Snackbars are used for showing simple, actionable messages with or without user interaction. Learn how to create Snackbars and use them.

Text Fields

TextFields are simple, yet customizable, views that can enhance users’ experience while entering text into their devices. This lesson covers TextField’s various options to customize keyboard and its actions.

ToggleButtons Switches

ToggleButtons and Switches are input controls that allow user to change between two states . Learn how to create them and respond to click events.


Learn how Adapters work and demystify Adapter’s interfaces, abstract classes and implementing classes.


Buttons are one of the most used components in Android’s user interface. Learn how to create them, respond to click events and set basic styles.

Chrome Custom Tabs

Chrome Custom Tabs allow an app to display web page, without using WebView, and customize how Chrome looks and feels. Learn how to use Chrome Custom Tabs and customize it to your liking.


ImageView makes it possible to display images in various forms and tints. Learn how to use ImageView and about the different scale types and tint modes.


LinearLayout is one of the easiest layouts to use. It is flexible enough to be used in any situation. Learn how to use create it with different options it has to offer.


Pickers are easy to use controls for selecting time and date. Learn how to use them and react to their events.


RelativeLayout is one of the most flexible and versatile layouts available. It is probably the most popular layout to use. Learn how to create it and how to tweak it.


Spinners are user controls that allow you to select one item from a drop-down list. Learn how to create and populate them plus respond to select events.


Toasts are great for showing simple, informative messages without user interaction. Learn how to create Toasts and use them.


WebView allows app to display web pages inside an Activity or Fragment. Learn how to use WebView and create custom WebViewClients with different web settings.

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