Android Video Lessons: Watch and Code

There are many tutorials for Android out there.  What if you just want to watch and code?  Welcome to AVL!  With AVL, you can quickly get up to speed with our lessons, download sample code and start coding yourself.  Give it a try now for FREE!

Free Courses

There are several courses to choose from to get  you started.

Whether you want to brush up on a concept, learn about new capability or just explore, there is a course for you — on the right are some samples.

Activity Lifecycle

Learn about the activity states and its lifecycle callbacks.

Chrome Custom Tabs

Learn how to use custom tabs and how to customize it.

Layouts Overview

Layouts are glue that hold all of the components on screen.


Learn how Adapters work and demystify Adapter’s interfaces.


Learn to use ImageView and its scale types and tint modes.


Toasts are great for showing simple, informative messages.

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